- Action of sodium Decolourisation of KMnO4 hydroxide on solution of salts containing following ions
Ca2+, mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ Cu2+ Zn2+, Pb2+
2.Demonstration of types of reaction
Simple Displacement
reaction between Iron + HCl
- Neutralisation
- Reaction of copper oxide +dilute acid
- Reaction of copper hydroxide + dilute acid
- Reaction of zinc carbonate with acid
iii) Double Decomposition Precipitation
Reaction of Calcium Chloride with Sodium carbonate (Aqueous solutions)
- Conduction of Titration – Acid Base
- Decolourisation of Dilute KMnO4 on passing of specific gases
- Change in colour of K2Cr2O7 – Test for Sulphite anion
- Cutting glass tube and glass rod
- Bending a glass tube
3.Preparation of standard solution of Oxalic acid.
- Determination of strength of a given solution of Sodium Hydroxide by titrating it against standard solution of Oxalic acid.
5. Systematic analysis of first to third group cations
1.Rate of reaction
2.Tollens Test
3.Fehling’s Test
4.Iodoform Test
5.Identification of phenol and benzoic acid using FeCl3
6.Dunstan’s test (Poly hydric Alcohol)
7.SNP test (Acetone)
8.Systematic analysis of first to third group cations
1.Rate of reaction
2.Tollens Test
3.Fehling’s Test
4.Iodoform Test
5.Identification of phenol and benzoic acid using FeCl3
6.Dunstan’s test (Poly hydric Alcohol)
7.SNP test (Acetone)
8.Systematic analysis of first to third group cations